4 Common Credit Score Mistakes to Avoid for a Healthy Financial Future

Your credit score is a crucial factor that impacts various aspects of your financial future. Whether you’re applying for a loan, renting an apartment, or even seeking employment, credit scores will always play a significant role. Unfortunately, many people unknowingly make mistakes that harm their credit scores and consequently, their financial future. In this blog, Xperia Credit Solutions in Denver, Colorado, will explore four common credit score mistakes to avoid to improve your score.

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Paying with credit card

Missing Payments

One of the most detrimental mistakes you can make is missing payments on your credit accounts. Payment history constitutes a significant portion of your credit score — even one single late payment can significantly lower your credit. To improve your credit score, set up reminders or automatic payments for your bills. If you are facing financial difficulties, Xperia Credit Solutions offers the best credit repair assistance available in Denver.

Looking at credit card payment

Maxing Out Credit Cards

Another critical component of your credit score is the utilization ratio — the amount of credit you use compared to your available credit. Maxing out your credit cards or carrying high balances can signal financial distress to lenders and negatively impact your score. Improving credit scores requires you to pay down debts and aim to keep your utilization below 30% of your credit limit.

Paying with credit card

Applying for Multiple Credit Accounts Simultaneously

Each time you apply for new credit a hard inquiry is recorded on your credit report. Multiple hard inquiries in a short period can lower your credit score — as it may indicate a higher risk to lenders. Our credit repair specialists recommend applying for credit when necessary and consider spacing out applications over time.

Couple looking at credit score

Closing Old Credit Accounts

The length of credit history is another factor that affects your credit score. Closing old credit accounts, especially those with a positive history, can shorten your credit history and lower your score. In order to improve your credit score, we recommend keeping them open and occasionally making small transactions to keep them active.


A credit score is a valuable asset that requires careful management. By avoiding these common credit score mistakes, you can maintain healthy credit and have a brighter financial future. Xperia Credit Solutions offer the best credit repair services in Denver. Contact us today and we will help you take proactive steps to help you achieve financial stability to open doors to various opportunities in the years to come.


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